In 2016, Rein Rannap together with a youth project rock band, headed by Kristjan Kannukene and comprising of a group of top young musicians, recorded the early period songs of the legendary ensemble Ruja. It could have been the first original Estonian rock album had the authorities back in the early 1970’s allowed for the band to record and publish such an album. The music documentary sees Ruja’s leader Rein Rannap reminiscing about the early days of Ruja intertwining with the footage of the studio album recording process. The film is produced by Sterotek Film.
- Band
- Rein Rannap
- Kristjan Kannukene
- Pent Järve
- Siim Usin
- Hans Kurvits
- Executive Producer
- Eero Nõgene
- Producer
- Aleksander Ots
- Postproduction
- Tarvo Mölder
- Kaidi Klein
- Sterotek Film 2017